A hardware device that is not included in a network profile cannot be accessed by another computer on the network.
Answer: True
User profile refers to what resources on each server are available on the network for use by other computers and which devices or people are allowed access on the network.
Answer: True
Traditional Ethernet is also known as shared Ethernet.
Answer: True
Wireless LANs use Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) for medic access control.
Answer: False
A collision on a bus circuit means that two computers on that circuit have transmitted at the same time.
Answer: True
Traditional Ethernet is also known as shared Ethernet.
Answer: True
Traditional Ethernet and switched Ethernet account for almost all LANs installed today.
Answer: True
Wireless LANs serve the same purpose as wired LANs.
Answer: True
Wireless LANs are never connected to a wire network.
Answer: False
The data link layer protocols used by wireless LANs are similar to the ones used on Ethernet LANs.
Answer: True
Wireless LANs do not share the bandwidth capacity of the wireless network.
Answer: False
An access point (AP) is required to connect a WLAN to a wired network.
Answer: True
A backbone network is a high-speed network that connects many networks
Answer: True
Backbone networks typically use lower speed circuits to interconnect a series of LANs and provide connections to other backbone networks.
Answer: False
One basic component of a backbone network is the hardware device that connects other networks to the backbone.
Answer: True
Switches, routers, and gateways are devices that can connect networks to the BN.
Answer: True
The cable to connect BNs is usually twisted pair.
Answer: False
Routers can only connect the same type of cable.
Answer: False
Routers use network layer address to forward packets between network segments.
Answer: True
Routers operate at the application layer.
Answer: False
Routers connect two or more network segments that use the same or different data link protocols, but the same network protocol.
Answer: True
One advantage of a router is that it can choose the "best" route between networks when there is a choice.
Answer: True
Gateways are simpler than routers.
Answer: False
The terms for hardware devices, such as routers and gateways, are interchangeable among vendors.
Answer: False
Gateways connect two or more networks that use the same or different data link and the same or different network protocols.
Answer: True
One of the least common uses of gateways is to enable LANs that use TCP/IP and Ethernet to communicate with mainframes that use other protocols.
Answer: False
A room that contains a rack of equipment for a rack-based collapsed backbone is also called the main distribution facility (MDF) or central distribution facility (CDF).
Answer: True
Answer: True
User profile refers to what resources on each server are available on the network for use by other computers and which devices or people are allowed access on the network.
Answer: True
Traditional Ethernet is also known as shared Ethernet.
Answer: True
Wireless LANs use Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) for medic access control.
Answer: False
A collision on a bus circuit means that two computers on that circuit have transmitted at the same time.
Answer: True
Traditional Ethernet is also known as shared Ethernet.
Answer: True
Traditional Ethernet and switched Ethernet account for almost all LANs installed today.
Answer: True
Wireless LANs serve the same purpose as wired LANs.
Answer: True
Wireless LANs are never connected to a wire network.
Answer: False
The data link layer protocols used by wireless LANs are similar to the ones used on Ethernet LANs.
Answer: True
Wireless LANs do not share the bandwidth capacity of the wireless network.
Answer: False
An access point (AP) is required to connect a WLAN to a wired network.
Answer: True
A backbone network is a high-speed network that connects many networks
Answer: True
Backbone networks typically use lower speed circuits to interconnect a series of LANs and provide connections to other backbone networks.
Answer: False
One basic component of a backbone network is the hardware device that connects other networks to the backbone.
Answer: True
Switches, routers, and gateways are devices that can connect networks to the BN.
Answer: True
The cable to connect BNs is usually twisted pair.
Answer: False
Routers can only connect the same type of cable.
Answer: False
Routers use network layer address to forward packets between network segments.
Answer: True
Routers operate at the application layer.
Answer: False
Routers connect two or more network segments that use the same or different data link protocols, but the same network protocol.
Answer: True
One advantage of a router is that it can choose the "best" route between networks when there is a choice.
Answer: True
Gateways are simpler than routers.
Answer: False
The terms for hardware devices, such as routers and gateways, are interchangeable among vendors.
Answer: False
Gateways connect two or more networks that use the same or different data link and the same or different network protocols.
Answer: True
One of the least common uses of gateways is to enable LANs that use TCP/IP and Ethernet to communicate with mainframes that use other protocols.
Answer: False
A room that contains a rack of equipment for a rack-based collapsed backbone is also called the main distribution facility (MDF) or central distribution facility (CDF).
Answer: True